Hi everyone, it’s a while since I posted on my blog. Wow what a time we are going through with the Covid 19 Virus. It’s like living in an sci fi movie. Isn’t it?
Well since I last posted I have being doing a lot of writing courses and workshops. I have finished my book Eventide Love and wrote short film script that was about to go into production but had to be postponed because of the virus. So as I self isolate like so many of you have to do for all sorts of reasons, I thought what a better time than now to share everything I have learnt and my experience of writing. Let’s put fingers to the keyboard or pen to paper and let the words spill out.
Let’s start to write that story that has been percolating in your brain but you never had tome to take on. Or you might want to write about what you are going through right now. If you need inspiration or want a few quick tips to help keep your words flowing onto the screen, you can dip in. Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime. I will be posting on instagram every day so you can follow for the latest tips. This is all new so it will take a little bit of tweaking as we go along. Let’s create together and get though this together. Let’s create not despair.