
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

— George Bernard Shaw

Category: Writing

Over the years I have created several blogs with different focuses, and you can find them all here.
Eventide Love is a collection of psychological thriller short stories, which has become the basis for a novel that I’ve had in the making for the last few years. Story Tweet Blog is a facts-based blog on emotional abuse. Through writing Eventide Love I amassed a following of avid, passionate readers, and through them discovered so many people affected by emotional abuse, so I decided to create a space to share more around emotional abuse and lobby for changes in attitudes and in our law towards this incredibly destructive force. I also created a blog under my own name where I write poetry.
Now I am bringing them all together under Absolutely Patsy, along with my Creative Writing journey, where I share tips and tutorials, as well as My Book Journey, sharing the processes from drafts to editing and working towards publishing.


Writing Tip- Auto-fiction

At first I wrote my story as an autobiography, which was ready for publication. But then I stopped and thought about the pain, the regurgitating of my personal life. I thought about my family, friends, and the anxiety of putting my soul into the public domain again. It was just too overwhelming. I worked hard

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Do you feel alone and lonely? You are not alone.

Do you feel lonely, alone, and sad? Are you overwhelmed by those feelings? If so, you are far from alone. I found myself in that very unpleasant place. When I went through my tough times and my life shifted in a different direction, one of the most powerful emotions I experienced was loneliness. I felt

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Eventide Love

Eventide Love

Eventide Love this is my story. In a speech at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, Carl Sagan spoke of how we humans share 99.6% of our active genes with chimpanzees. He described male chimps as aggressive and female chimps as non-aggressive. When under stress or threatened, male chimps become angry, pick up stones and hold them in

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The Power of Creativity

How a remote writing retreat defined my lockdown experience. I have had a specific manuscript tucked away in my desk for the last couple of years. It’s a psychological thriller with which I have a special connection, and while it has received positive feedback, I was never entirely happy with the plot, and, as time

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Writing; Show Don’t Tell Exercise #1:

    The difference between ‘Show‘ and ‘Tell ‘is that ‘Show’ invokes from the reader a mental image of the scene/emotion. In contrast, ‘Tell’ is a statement of an action/emotion. The goal in your writing is to provoke a reaction in your readers, for them to feel the emotions your character is feeling. It sounds

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Let’s write Love

Fundamental Start Points 1. Decide what the story is about Write the concept and argument of your story in a sentence, then stretch that out to a paragraph, and then to a one-page outline. Now you have the basic overview of your story and characters.  2. Set a Time and Place; This will ensure that

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Writing 1 – Discover the Magic of Writing

What – What do you want to write about? There are so many genres in writing: Romance, Fantasy, Thriller, Detective, Mystery, Adventure, Horror. Or you might want to write a memoir, or what you are going through right now, possibly as a blog. And then there is Young Adult Fiction and Children. Whatever you want

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Fuel Your mind with Creative Writing

Hi everyone, it’s a while since I posted on my blog. Wow what a time we are going through with the Covid 19 Virus. It’s like living in an sci fi movie. Isn’t it? Well since I last posted I have being doing a lot of writing courses and workshops. I have finished my book

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‘Groundbreaking’ psychological abuse now a Crime in Ireland

This article is shared from  The Journal.ie  first published May 3, 2018. NEW DOMESTIC VIOLENCE legislation has passed through all stages of the Oireachtas. Reforms included in the Domestic Violence Bill 2017 bring Ireland a step closer to ratifying the Istanbul Convention, which aims to combat domestic violence. Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan welcomed the passing of the

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